Monday, December 29, 2014

Extra Moist and Juicy Chicken

I can't tell you how many times I gave up on trying to cook chicken because I dried it out causing it to tasted like cardboard.  It got so bad, I had to chew the chicken, then swallow it with water to get it down!  Not anymore my friends!!  This simple little trick is the EASIEST and FASTEST way to cook your chicken in bulk and keep it moist and juicy! 

Everything I use can be bought at Sam's Club.  I love this place because it's so much cheaper and better than a typical grocery store!  Try it out!

The first trick is to purchase a cooking thermometer.  This is the only way to thoroughly cook a chicken to the fullest and keep it edible.  You want your chicken to hit 165 degrees and then take it out of the oven!  No more than 165 degrees or you've dried it out!  

Extra Moist and Juicy Chicken

Whatever spices you want.  I use any of the following:

  • garlic pepper
  • granulated garlic
  • pepper
  • paprika and garlic blend
  • original ms dash
  • 6 pepper blend

Red wine vinegar
extra virgin olive oil
Garlic cloves

Now, I don't do measurements well so I'll keep you at this rule.

Each pan, mix 1/4 cup of water, 1 tbs oil, 1 tbs vinegar, 4-5 cloves of garlic.  Blend this up until garlic is tiny.  Pour mixture on the chicken.  Top chicken with your favorite spices.  Cook until chicken is 165 degrees!

Done!!  Yummy, moist chicken that took no time to prep at all!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Cranberry Feta Turkey Burger

Cranberry Feta Turkey Burger

I have always loved ground turkey!  That is the one lean meat I can probably eat over and over.  I get tired of chicken fast so I like to change up between the two.  But lately, I have been growing pretty bored with ground turkey.  I never really thought about what I could do to jazz up this dish until the other day!  I know people have been mixing ground turkey with cheeses and vegetables forever, but this is my run at it that was a home run!

I shop at Sam's and I actually got everything I needed for this recipe there. The 2.5lb of turkey makes approximately 10-12 4oz patties.  I don't do measurements so I'm sorry.  :/  I just pour how I feel when I cook!  I'll help you out a bit with photos and suggestions.

Here's what you'll need!


  • Garlic powder
  • some kind of pepper blend
  • Cranberries
  • Almonds.  A medium handful (doesn't matter sliced or not)
  • Feta or goat cheese (goat cheese is creamier)
  • Chopped spinach, good handful.  Spinach is good! (I used food processor)

  • Put turkey in a large bowl.  Pour on a lot of garlic powder.  Just cover the turkey, make it white.  (I like garlic, you can lay off a bit if you want)
  • Pour on pepper blend.  Cover well but not too much.
  • Chop up almonds and spinach in the food processor.  Pour on turkey.  Pour in 1/2 cup of cranberries per pound.  (Beware, these are a ton of sugar.  Go less if you're on a strict diet)
  • Pour 1/4-1/2 cup of feta per pound. (same disclaimer as above)
  • Mix it up thoroughly.  Honestly, the only way I know how is to get my hands in there and mix it up!!!
  • Measure out the patties to 4oz each.  This is a good amount so you can measure out meals.

  • Cook each side in a skillet on medium heat for as long as it takes to brown them and cook them through 165 degrees. 
  • Serve with veggies and enjoy!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

How do you like your carbs? Simple or complex?

Carbs.  Good or Bad?

Let's be honest, carbohydrates are the bad boys of the food world.  They have a horrible reputation from rumors and haters.  This is why many diets have come about that are 'low carbs' or 'carb free.'  All carbs are not the same and lumping them all together into one category of 'bad' is like saying all guys are jerks because that one guy did not know how to behave.  STOP stereotyping carbs and listening to the negativity!

Much of what you hear about these guys are somewhat true, but also embellished to the point people cut them completely out of their diets.  I'm here to tell you if you eat the right carbs, at the right time, they are very beneficial to muscle growth and health.  Carbs are important for energy purposes and weightless!  Yes, I said weightless!  So let's reset your thinking and erase everything you've learned about carbs and teach you how to use them correctly in your diet.

First thing's first.  What are carbs?  There are three types of carbs:

  • Simple Carbs - These carbs are shorter strings of sugar.  These come in the form of sweeter form like fruits, candies and sugary drinks.  These carbs provide short term energy and break down quickly.  
  • Complex Carbs - These carbs are longer strings of sugar.  They break down slower and come in a less sweet form such as grains, oats, potatoes, rice and pasta.  It takes the body longer to break these carbs down so they provide a longer amount of energy.  
  • Fibrous Carbs - These carbs come in the form of roughage and greens such as spinach, broccoli  and other vegetables.  
What does all this mean?  

The longer it takes a carbohydrate to break down in your system, the less you crave them.  Complex and fibrous carbohydrates provide a great source of fiber and energy.  These are the good guys so to speak.  These carbs should be consumed at the beginning of the day in forms of oats, oatmeal and Ezekiel toast.  I also make sure I have complex carbs for lunch.  I'll have them in the form of: brown rice, Quinoa, sweet potato, whole grain tortilla or black beans.  Fibrous carbs are all leafy greens which should be consumed all the time, at ANY time!

So what is a GOOD carb?

Good carbs are carbs in their natural state.  Unprocessed.  Good carbs are high in fiber, have a low glycemic index, high in nutrients, low 'energy-density and greater thermic effect.  Basically, you want the carbs you consume to boost your metabolism, promote fat loss, help you stay full longer, provide energy, stabilize your blood sugar levels and be high in nutrients. 

So what are BAD carbs?

Bad carbs come in the form of processed foods.  Most of their natural nutrients and fiber have been removed for taste.  A few examples are pasta, breads, snack foods, sodas, candy and sauces.  

You know how when you eat a sugary cereal or breakfast and are immediately hungry after?  That's because it was in the simple carbs category which will give you the boost you want at the moment but break down fast and leave you hungry again.  Also, the sugars aren't so good for you.  The sugar boost and then crash effect messes with your metabolism making it hard to build up.  The sugar also will eventually turn to fat. YUCK!

These carbs don't process well in our bodies which throws off our insulin levels causing our metabolism to suffer.  When your metabolism suffers, you don't lose weight.  Let me say this again, YOU DON'T LOSE WEIGHT!  So next time you think of stuffing that candy bar in your mouth, think about your unfortunate insulin level spiking which can not only cause health issues but slow down your metabolism.  

So, eat the right carbs and you get the right nutrients, energy and satisfaction.  Carbs are great when they are consumed properly!! 

Chicken Salad Wrap

Chicken Hummus Salad Wrap

Alright, chicken salad wraps are DELICIOUS, but also bad for you due to oils and mayo.  I have come up with a wrap that uses homemade hummus featured in the previous post that is sure to make your lunch a SMASH!

If you don't know how to make the hummus, click here ----> Avocado Hummus

I don't have measurements because this is up to you!

Here's what you'll need:


  • 13oz can of chicken, drained, no sodium
  • homemade avocado hummus
  • pepper
  • garlic powder
  • parsley, finely chopped
  • finely chopped celery
  • finely chopped carrots
  • diced cherry tomatoes 
  • baby spinach leaves
  • whole grain or Ezekiel tortilla
  • Mix chicken, hummus, pepper, garlic powder, parsley, celery, tomatoes and carrots in a bowl.
  • measure out about 6oz for each wrap
  • spread mixture in the middle of tortilla.  
  • Add some spinach leaves on top of the mixture
  • Wrap it like they do at Chipotle!
  • ENJOY!!!

Homemade Avocado Hummus

Homemade Avocado Hummus

Who knew you could make your own hummus!  Wait!  You mean I don't have to buy the $5 tubs of fatty, oily and salty hummus at the grocery store?  HECK NO!  You can make it yourself for $2 and make it BETTER!

I use my hummus for EVERYTHING!!  I make wraps with it, dipping celery and carrots and dipping my chicken in it!  I also buy those mini dipping cups from Target.  Perfect to portion out for quick and easy snacks.  
I don't cook with measurements.  I always go by how I feel when I cook.  I challenge you to do that too!  If you can't, here are approximate measurements!

Here's what you'll need!


  • 1 (15 oz) can chick peas or garbanzo beans, well drained
  • 2 medium ripe avocados, cored and peeled (13 oz before cored and peeled)
  • 3 Tbsp olive oil, or more if while it mixes it slows down b/c it's dry
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp tahini
  • 3 Tbsp fresh lime juice
  • 1 Tbsp minced garlic
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 Tbsp cumin
  • Pulse garbanzo beans or chick peas in a food processor along with minced garlic, tahini and oil.
  • Add PINCH of salt, pepper, cumin and avocado and pulse again!
  • Voila!!!  You have your own hummus!
  • You can leave out the avocado and make regular hummus
  • Top with a little pepper flakes and oil if you want  

 Guns and Buns Fitness Facebook

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Why You Should Eat Before Bed

I feel many people think eating before bed can cause them to gain weight.  This thought is untrue as long as you eat the right things.  If you eat the right portions and the right foods, eating before bed has many benefits.  Also, eating before bed is only for someone who eats proper portions and at the correct times throughout their day.  If you eat a large meal, eating before bed can cause weight gain. 

Your body's metabolism is constantly at work.  That is why it is so important to eat every three hours.  Eating a small meal before bed boosts your metabolism by giving your body extra calories needed to perform the metabolic functions during sleep.   

Eating protein before bed will boost your body's metabolism.  It also helps repair muscle tissue and repair muscles after workout.  A good lean protein such as egg whites, protein shake, grilled chicken breast or fish.  

Other good foods that will help the metabolic functions are cottage cheese, yogurt, peanut butter, nuts and vegetables.  My evening regime includes mixing a protein shake, eating 4 egg whites and a scoop of peanut butter.  This also helps me to be less hungry when I wake up in the morning.  The worst feeling is to wake up with that intense stomach pain.  When your metabolism is high, the urge to eat all the time is present.  I eat before bed so I do not wake up in the middle of the night starving!